Woo-hoo! Phil's doctor gave him the green light on Tuesday. So everything is in high gear getting ready to leave asap in November. Depending on the weather it could be any time after the 2nd.
We haven't really hooked up with anybody as traveling partners yet. It would have to be another sail boat or at least a slow trawler for us to travel together...no other boats go that slow.
Since there is no itinerary we can't say where we'll be on any given day. If we find a spot we like we'll stay for a few days before moving on. Our goal is to be in Marathon, FL by Christmas. And yes, we have our lights to decorate the boat.
As things may get a little hectic between now and sailing time we may not post again until we're under way but we will catch up at our first stop with wi-fi.
Life is good.