Thursday was a beautiful, uneventful day on the water. We left Alligator River Marina around 6:30 am. Within 2 hours we were joined by a parade of boats. There was no time during the day that we couldn't see boats in front of us and boats behind us. Big boats, little boats, fast boats and slow boats but none slower than us. We pulled in the anchorage at Dowry Creek about 3 pm. There was a beautiful sunset and full moon that evening (attaching pictures of both).
Friday dawned clear, cold and windy. Small craft warnings were out for most waterways in northeastern NC. Not wanting to cross the Pamlico under those conditions, we stayed put.
Saturday was another beautiful day with perfect wind to cross the Pamlico and the Neuse River. We had planned to stay in Oriental but they were maxed out so we went on to Adams Creek anchorage. Had 2 other sailboats and 2 power boats for company. The weather was mild enough to grill on the back of the boat.
Both Dowry Creek and Adams Creek anchorage are good places to stop...scenic and well-protected with good holding at both.
Sunday found us up and moving again by 6:30. Caught the tide just right in Morehead City and made really good time to Casper's Marina in Swansboro. After fueling up, pumping out, washing down the boat and filling the water tanks, we walked a couple of blocks to The Icehouse restaurant. If you're ever in Swansboro, check it out. The service was good and the food was excellent. Back to the boat, a shower and Sunday night football...that's going to be the hardest part for me (Vi), not getting my football fix every week-end.
Tomorrow's destination is iffy because we could be delayed at Camp Lejeune if trainng exercises are in progress. Will let you know where we wind up in the next post that could be 2-3 days.
Seahawk at Dowry Creek anchorage with Vi taking a picture of Phil in the dingy.
Phil and "Kermit" playing in the pond!!
Sunset at Dowry Creek
Full moon at Downy Creek
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