Wednesday didn't start out too good; when we were hauling the anchor the bugs covered us up. They were tiny little things that get in your eyes and nose and mouth. Needless to say that was the fastest we've ever gotten an anchor up. And that was the worse part of the day.
The wind switched around during the night so it was out of the southwest...perfect sailing wind when you're headed north. So on Phil's birthday (big 70) he got to sail most of the way to Beaufort, SC.
He also got to eat 3 of his favorite things...peanut butter, hot dogs, and a banana, not at the same time. Since we were back in civilization I told him we could go out to dinner but he opted for Dairy Queen for the hot dog and banana split.
Sailing and eating peanut butter on graham crackers. It doesn't get any better than this.
Well maybe it doesn't get any better than this!
Since we only traveled about 6 hours it felt like a day off. After grocery shopping and taking a shower, our day was over.
Like a 70 year old kid! Can't wait to see you guys and hear all about it in person.